Section: New Results

Scientific Workflows

User Steering in Dynamic Workflows

Participants : Renan Souza, Patrick Valduriez.

In long-lasting scientific workflow executions in HPC machines, computational scientists (users) often need to fine-tune several workflow parameters. These tunings are done through user steering actions that may significantly improve performance or improve the overall results. However, in executions that last for weeks, users can lose track of what has been adapted if the tunings are not properly registered. In [18], we address the problem of tracking online parameter fine-tuning in dynamic workflows steered by users. We propose a lightweight solution to capture and manage provenance of the steering actions online with negligible overhead. The resulting provenance database relates tuning data with data for domain, dataflow provenance, execution, and performance, and is available for analysis at runtime. We show how users may get a detailed view of execution, providing insights to determine when and how to tune. We discuss the applicability of our solution in different domains and validate it with a real workflow in Oil and Gas extraction. In this experiment, the user could determine which tuned parameters influence simulation accuracy and performance. The observed overhead for keeping track of user steering actions at runtime is negligible.

ProvLake: Efficient Runtime Capture of Multiworkflow Data

Participants : Renan Souza, Patrick Valduriez.

Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) projects are typically developed by multidisciplinary teams. Despite being part of the same project, each team manages its own workflows, using specific execution environments and data processing tools. Analyzing the data processed by all workflows globally is critical in a CSE project. However, this is hard because the data generated by these workflows are not integrated. In addition, since these workflows may take a long time to execute, data analysis needs to be done at runtime to reduce cost and time of the CSE project. A typical solution in scientific data analysis is to capture and relate workflow runtime data in a provenance database, thus allowing for runtime data analysis. However, such data capture competes with the running workflows, adding significant overhead to their execution. To solve this problem, we introduce a system called ProvLake [39]. While capturing the data, ProvLake logically integrates and ingests them into a provenance database ready for runtime analysis. We validate ProvLake in a real use case in Oil and Gas extraction with four workflows that process 5 TB datasets for a deep learning classifier. Compared with Komadu, the closest competing solution, our approach has much smaller overhead.

Adaptive Caching of Scientific Workflows in the Cloud

Participants : Gaetan Heidsieck, Christophe Pradal, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

We consider the efficient execution of data-intensive scientific workflows in the cloud. Since it is common for workflow users to reuse other workflows or data generated by other workflows, a promising approach for efficient workflow execution is to cache intermediate data and exploit it to avoid task re-execution. In [27], we propose an adaptive caching solution for data-intensive workflows in the cloud. Our solution is based on a new scientific workflow management architecture that automatically manages the storage and reuse of intermediate data and adapts to the variations in task execution times and output data size. We evaluated our solution by implementing it in the OpenAlea system and performing extensive experiments on real data with a data-intensive application in plant phenotyping. The results show that adaptive caching can yield major performance gains.